

EdenOnEOS Visual Design (Fractally)

EdenOnEOS Visual Design (Fractally)


Eden is a collective of independent individuals supporting Daniel Larimer's vision for fractal governance. It serves as the heart, or the "tabernacle," of the EOS community, acting as a creative space born from the center of EOS's sacred geometry.

Design Process

The process of designing the logo was unusually quick.

The design journey for this logo started with an extensive exploration of possibilities. I discussed potential branding ideas with all stakeholders. It was unanimously agreed that the community icon should be derived from, or somehow related to, the EOS/EOSIO logos.

Upon investigating community illustrations further, I discovered a relationship that illustrated the internal and external geometries. At the center of that geometry, a shape stood out, which embodied many of the attributes that Dan Larimer wanted to express in the community.

I created many iterations of this shape and presented them to all stakeholders, along with the rationale. The branding was immediately approved.

Chestahedron “Sacred Geometry” Origins

The Eden logo originates from the center-front face, the heart of Eden's sacred geometry, which aligns with the Chestahedron. This shape exists both inside and outside of the Chestahedron. This relationship can be seen in the following 3D object illustrations.

The Chestahedron
The Chestahedron with the Eden “sacred internal and external geometry” combined to show the relationship.

The top nine out of thirteen faces of the Eden Internal and External geometry are identical. This pentagonal shape aligns with the Chestahedron faces and is prominently displayed in the center, or "heart," of the Chestahedron. Its perfect alignment with the front and center of the sacred geometry can be seen in the subsequent animations.

  1. https://gramho.com/media/883236374380016094
  2. https://gramho.com/media/1924986530738200758
  3. https://gramho.com/media/1924551516393162911

More on Frank Chester's Sacred Geometry:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7hOjLYz7g4

The Eden Logomark

Similar to the modern EOS logo, the Eden emblem is an iconic representation of sacred geometry's core. This shape also invokes the inherent and potent symbolism of a new home, a sanctuary, and a meeting place where a novel, free, and open fractal governance community is birthed and flourishes.

Notable features

  • The heart and "tabernacle" symbolize the core of sacred geometry.
  • The inner corners exhibit pure geometry, which softens on the outer edges.
  • It stands out powerfully in all sizes, against both light and dark backgrounds.
Black Logomark for light backgrounds
White Logomark for dark backgrounds

Eden Logo Design Guide

The Eden logomark is straightforward to use.

The Eden Logomark

Black Logomark in white square
White Logomark in black square

The Eden Logotype

Black Logotype for light backgrounds
White Logotype for dark backgrounds

The Eden Logo Lockups

Complete logo lockups for light backgrounds
Complete logo lockups for dark backgrounds

The Eden Typography

Logotype font: Elevon 3G / Header font: SF Pro Display Bold* / Body font: SF Pro Display Light*
  • Use SF Display Pro whenever possible. If not, opt for a well-designed variant of Helvetica, like Helvetica Neue.

The Eden Color Palette

Color palet

Eden Logo Download Files

Click to Download the document below to your desktop and then extract it.

The EDEN-LogoFinal (full list of files)

Eden Promotional Design Elements

Social Icons for Download

Hover over the image below, 1. Click the •••, 2. Then select Download.

Social Icon Logomark, over dark background
Social Icon Stacked Logomark with Logotype version, over dark background

Hero Images for Download

Dan often thinks far ahead of his time. He makes significant advancements and creates test technologies that may not be practical now, but could have a profound impact in the future.

The global imagery comes from the company's worldwide perspective. They aim to create a community that could become the genesis of a new form of governance, extending far into the future and possibly beyond.

New Horizon

Rollover the image below, 1. Click the •••, 2. Then select Download.

Eden HeroImage 1

New Horizon - decentralized communities of the future

In this version, the dots and their connecting lines symbolize decentralized and autonomous communities. These communities can evolve, create new communities, and collaborate in the future. It's a broad vision indeed! Hopefully, this experiment will serve as a model for future growth and expansion.

Eden HeroImage 2

Various iterations

Twitter Background for Download

Eden Twitter background: Stacked logo over dark background

Google Forms Background for Download

Eden Google forms header background: Stacked logo over dark background

Backgrounds For Download

Rollover the image below, 1. Click the •••, 2. Then Download.

Eden Background 2
Eden Background 3
Eden Background 4

Zoom Desktop Backgrounds for Download

Rollover the image below, 1. Click the •••, 2. Then Download.

Eden on EOS Zoom Background v1, with stacked logo

Zoom Mobile Backgrounds for Download

Rollover the image below, 1. Click the •••, 2. Then Download.

Eden on EOS Zoom Background - Mobile Landscape

Rollover the image below, 1. Click the •••, 2. Then Download.

Eden on EOS Zoom Background - Mobile Portrait

Eden NFTs

In-Application Illustrations

Color and Typography Guide

Logo Downloads


©2025 Thomas Hallgren